Harvey, who was born in Corscombe, near Yeovil, England, on October 9, 1969, to countercultural parents in rural England, appears to have grown up with a sense of rock as just another natural force within the countryside. For example, “Sheela-na-gig,” a hit from her first album, D...
Released on indie label Too Pure off the back of a mailed-in demo and John Peel’s enthusiasm, “Dress” is a young woman’s desperate and naive attempt at seduction. Where riot grrrls in the Pacific Northwest were pouring acid on the grotesque mating charade, Harvey, fresh out of her ...
What both Howling Wolf and Polly Harvey have in common (at least on this release) is the unbelievable dynamics of the music, how even the most simplistic musicianship sometimes kicks the shit out of virtuosity and the passion of their respective lyrical subject matter. The biggest difference, ...
This is Harvey’s first album to experiment with saxophones, and the mournful sound of those instruments, always muted and forlorn, is one of its biggest identifiers. They’re one of many examples of traditionally masculine devices tamped down into dejected futility. On “Last Living Rose,” t...
Either way, it’s a commanding exercise in which Polly Jean Harvey examines the sexual politics of troubled relationships with an anger, longing and confusion that is so intimate at times that the songs don’t seem so much material for the studio as outgrowths of a therapeutic need for perso...
本吧热帖: 1-【PJHarvey】【Sonic Youth】Best Guitar Band in the Universe. 2-【PJHarvey】New Musical Express给PJ Harvey打出60分高分。 3-【PJHarvey】【Elvis Costllo】最近收的两张Elvis Costllo 4-【PJHarvey】非主流:我最喜欢的PORTISHEAD歌曲TOP20
歌手:Mark LaneganPJ Harvey Hit the City - Mark Lanegan/PJ Harvey Written by:Mark Lanegan Dark descends through the promised land Down kingdom come and the acid ban I'm bad alone burned in side out Nothing to kill it I hit the city ...
本吧热帖: 1-【PJHarvey】【Sonic Youth】Best Guitar Band in the Universe. 2-【PJHarvey】New Musical Express给PJ Harvey打出60分高分。 3-【PJHarvey】【Elvis Costllo】最近收的两张Elvis Costllo 4-【PJHarvey】非主流:我最喜欢的PORTISHEAD歌曲TOP20
本吧热帖: 1-【PJHarvey】【Sonic Youth】Best Guitar Band in the Universe. 2-【PJHarvey】New Musical Express给PJ Harvey打出60分高分。 3-【PJHarvey】【Elvis Costllo】最近收的两张Elvis Costllo 4-【PJHarvey】非主流:我最喜欢的PORTISHEAD歌曲TOP20