Pizza Tower Crude Humor, Fantasy Violence, Language, Mild Blood, Use of Tobacco Nintendo Switch This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase. Pizza Tower is a fast paced 2D platformer, with an emphasis on movement, exploration and score attack. ...
Pizza Tower (披薩高塔) 1 2 3 4 5 6 HKD 119 60 My Nintendo黃金點數 《披薩高塔》是一款快節奏的 2D 平台跑跳遊戲,本遊戲著重移動、探索和得分 佩皮諾.史波蓋提這位身寬體胖但手腳卻無比矯捷的義大利禿頭大叔即將踏上冒險的旅途,目標是要摧毀披薩高塔以拯救自己摯愛的餐廳。快跟著佩皮諾的腳步一起在搞怪...
网页链接Pizza Tower is available today on Nintendo Switch!Peppino Spaghetti, a surprisingly agile and powerful pizza chef, is on a mission to destroy the titular Pizza Tower in order to save his restaurant from annihilation. Follow him through his rampage across the many wacky floors of the ...
[Pizza Tower United]PTU 6.0更新展示 02:05 [工作日志]Pizza Massacre Devlog #0: We're Working On It | GDS Pizza Massacre 09:34 [Pizza Tower:Cheesed Up]所以这是著名的芝士上模组作者Loyjqz在玩唐果践踏儿在芝士上 04:49 [奇异搞笑][Pizza Tower]精神最正常的LHH和ELM玩家就像: 01:40 [不...
[Pizza Tower United]PTU 6.0更新展示 02:05 [工作日志]Pizza Massacre Devlog #0: We're Working On It | GDS Pizza Massacre 09:34 [Pizza Tower:Cheesed Up]所以这是著名的芝士上模组作者Loyjqz在玩唐果践踏儿在芝士上 04:49 [奇异搞笑][Pizza Tower]精神最正常的LHH和ELM玩家就像: 01:40 [不...
Pizza Tower Category PC / Computer Sheets 437 Hits 1,593,750 Comments 389 Pizza Tower Playable Characters [3] Gustavo and Brick The Noise Peppino Non-Playable Characters [24] Alien Bacon God Bucket Camembert Squire Cheese Dragon Gerome Gnome Pizza Gnomes Meatball Boulder ...
Pizza Tower is a juicy slice of heart-pounding 2d platformer. Taking the weirder sides from the classic Wario Land series, guiding Peppino Spaghetti through increasingly curious and crazy levels will be one of the most fun experiences of the year. If you're looking for a remedy to the lack...
A recreation of Peppino during the Pizza Tower Nintendo Switch launch trailer. Peppino on the Nintendo Switch icon for the game. The characters from Woon, Pepperoni Goblin and Peppino wishing everyone a Happy Halloween. Concept artwork Several Peppino sketches, plus a Wario with a Cease & Desist...
New Fangamer Plush! A bunch of oddball characters have been added to the plush lineup! Take a look here: North America:Europe: In other news, expect more information about the Nintendo Switch Physical edition soon!
本吧热帖: 1-【水楼】pizzatower吧水楼 2-8u有没有更多这种透明底表情包 3-吧里有人玩上安东大爆炸了吗 4-好了,正式开始做AU 5-fangamer上新了鼠鼠的周边 6-【宣传】官方简中更新内容一览 7-【模组推荐】PT 2019 Plus SAGE Demo 8-请问大家平时都用什么分辨率玩啊? 9-【图