I mean, I haven't really seen too many other mods doing it. I've seen lots of mods follow what I call "The Noise Update standard" when it comes to adding extra characters. They update character's movesets so that they fit nicely within Pizza Tower's level design and are fun to pla...
A Modloader for Pizza Tower Miscellaneous By Senjay 52.1MB 5 559 External Audio Framework Miscellaneous By Senjay Pizza Tower em portugues Miscellaneous By DarkSonicPT PT but weird combo Miscellaneous By Vad2010 character select template Miscellaneous ...
dragon1air_1 tower_5 (?) pinba1I_1 character角色选择 tower_1正式版地图 showcollisions显示真正的地板 top_1 player_set_state 设置状态 exit_1 huo_rooml oldassets global_set_variable int lap3 global_set_variable int hardmode 1 补充:7.0.0和7.5.0都行只要有蓝色的笔就行!...
在Pizza Tower盒鼠模拟器中文版中,玩家将扮演主角团的三人组,与副手一起闯关。主角团由约翰兄弟和假佩皮诺组成,而副手则是由噪音公爵扮演。他们将面临四个强大的Boss,需要运用各自的特殊能力战胜对手,保卫披萨塔并解救餐厅。 指令代码: noclip穿墙 character vigilante用芝士义警 character pepperman用甜椒人 character ...
A Modloader for Pizza Tower Miscellaneous By Senjay 52.1MB 5 537 External Audio Framework Miscellaneous By Senjay Pizza Tower em portugues Miscellaneous By DarkSonicPT PT but weird combo Miscellaneous By Vad2010 character select template Miscellaneous By Vad2010 peelout Miscellaneous By Vad20...
PT! Pizza Tower’s here!character.ai PeppinoComics 2 0 SillyLittleGamer·6/14/2023in General Requests finally done!! Yippeee here you go gamers 💖 @Joofie @Overseerofdeath @SlimeRancherPlayer99 @StoryVanni @IntentVortex @Gamebyle @Melfallen01 @One-NumberLore PeppinoThe NoisePepperman...
披萨塔(Pizza Tower)茄子版9.5.0最新版本正式更新完成惊喜上线来袭,部分更新内容全新的菜单内置玩法模式让你爱不释手欲罢不能,熟悉的茄子版作者的DC服务器更多精彩的游戏体验无法言喻! 温馨提示: 游戏安装包名为《Pizza Tower》,请放心下载! 茄子版9.5.0正式版,全网首搬!
v=T6_G5uQTX1M 比萨塔的性格,但是...他们都老了 原作者:Perman Pizza Tower's Character but...They're All Old --- Pizza Tower, but they're all old. How things have changed? We create these contents based on the game Pizza Tower. If you also love it, follow me to wait for the...
character peppino用佩皮诺 oldasstes false 激活第二圈和添加细节 toggletiles 切换地板 enableranks true添加评分 desert_1进入废弃关卡 mansion_1一样 PP_room1 2019Demo新手教程 instance_set_variable obj_player asset spr_idle spr_pizzaface_1让你的待机动作变成披萨脸 先清空原内容,再输入代码! 所...