Yes, there's an online version of Photoshop, but Pixlr Editor is just as powerful –and in our humble opinion, it features a nicer interface. Right after launching it on your web browser, you'll start noticing similarities between Pixlr Editor and Adobe's popular flagship: support for layers...
4:31 2: Launching Pixlr 5:04 3: Jump Right In: A Look at the Most Used Features 8:52 4: The AI Image Generator 4:35 5: Pixlr E 9:26 6: Pixlr X 11:48 7: Pixlr Designer 8:27 8: Remove bg (Background) 3:22 9: Batch Editor 3:47 10: Conclusion 0:26 Over...
1. Upload your image to Pixlr Online Image Editor When you access, Pixlr will prompt you to upload your image. Follow the instructions until your picture has successfully been uploaded. Note: When selecting an image, ensure it is larger than the size you need it at...
Photo Editor Online是一个基于 Flash 的在线图片编辑网站,页面酷似 PhotoShop。@Appinn 感谢Xiaomo同学推荐 与简单的在线图片处理工具 Aviary HTML5 Photo Editor不同,Photo Editor Online是一个不简单的在线图片处理工具,支持注册,并可以将图片保存在pixlr图库中。另外,还支持从Facebook / Flickr获取图片并进行编辑,属...
Pixlr -E 是一个照片编辑工具,Pixlr -X 是一个设计工具。现在您可以在 Chrome 网上应用店获得这两个功能。您无需花费任何金钱即可使用它。另外,无需下载即可使用 Pixlr,因为它是基于浏览器的。使用 Pixlr 所需的只是笔记本电脑或 PC 上的互联网连接。然后您可以使用任何浏览器(如chrome、firefox等)打开Pixlr。
在线做素材-Onli..在线ps 【做素材】 以后不下载,只用在线的如题目网页是Online Photo Editor | Pixlr Editor自然没有ps软件好用。但是我真的不要ps软件了网页工具能玩就玩了 就不下载
Backlink Profile of February 2025 As of February 2025,'s Domain Rating is 86. is linked by 44K websites, indicating an increase of 1.1K referring sites from the previous month. Domain Rating 86 Linking websites ...
PIXLR X, The New New Photo Editor You can edit pictures for personal use, such as retouching photos for Instagram or even for a PowerPoint presentation slide. The ease of use and handy features of the web app make it worth a try. Even if you’re not logged in, Pixlr X saves your ac...
Platforms: Online, Windows, Mac OS Price: Free Free Pixlr Mobile 2025: Android/ iOS USE PXILR FOR FREE VERDICT:Pixlr is a group of applications that includes Pixlr Pro, Pixlr Editor, Pixlr X and Pixlr Express. The main difference between these versions is the ease of use and functionality...
Get creative with Pixlr’s online photo editing & design tools. Including AI image generator, batch editor, animation design, enhancer & more. Try now for FREE!