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Kunieda thinks that pixiv has only seen the tip of the iceberg in that market. “We’re keen to disseminate content from American creators around the world. After all, North America is one of the world’s biggest markets for games, animation, and art.” That potential prompted ...
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小技巧:每张图片的名字都含有插画ID,以上所有软件都支持用ID搜图,但是Pixiv官方客户端和网页均不支持,如果你只用Pixiv官方产品的话(再提醒一遍,国内无法正常访问),网页端可以这样搜索:①浏览器访问https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/ 【+插画ID】,举个栗子,某图片的p站ID为60095408,那么你就应该访问:https://www....
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At pixiv, where "It's fun drawing", we aim to be the premier community for sharing and discovering new artwork. From anime and manga to fine art, our broad community of users shares a wide variety of artwork. ■Features ○Popular Works ...