View Quests Wiki page for more information.- 添加了任务系统。现在你可以通过村庄的NPC来接受任务并获取奖励了!这个系统会在日后逐渐加入新任务并完善,以保持该功能有新鲜感。服务主与地图制作者也可以通过制作一些自定义任务来体验这款新系统。可通过官方百科介绍页来了解该任务系统的...
- Changed the spawn rarities of some Ultra Beasts.- 更改了某些究极异兽的生成率。- Updated Wobbuffet's model and textures to have lipstick if it's female.- 更新了果然翁的模型,以及添加了雌性果然翁那抹了口红的材质。- Added a new Deep Sea block for Ultra Space, low chance to drop Amethyst...
Added Squawkabilly to Jungles during the Day in the Air and on Tree Top. Added chance to spawn with a group of Squawkabilly. Some colors are rarer than others. Added Wattrel to Beaches with an anticondition of Freezing during the Day in the Air, Land, and Tree Top. Added chance to s...