Fixed NPCs not spawning in structures spawned with /struc commandFixed Pixelmon spawner allowing invalid spawn locationsFixed Pixelmon spawners not working when using the water spawn locationFixed Pokémon spawned with /pokespawn not movingFixed priority of Protect, Detect, and EndureFixed random Pokémon...
If you're having issues with the map, try running the command "/function tools:infolist" in Minecraft and reading the info the command generates in chat. The most common issues should be explained in some form or attempted to be fixed via this function! The points it generates:...
Since Version 1.4.0 the Spawns from Purple Beams can be customized using the command/twa_configor theDynamax Wand, allowing you to modify the Spawn Tables to whatever you wish to. This supports custom textures and forms, there is an example on the Syntax built into Spawn Table A. Some Pok...
Honestly the best server out of the entire Pixelmon list!! First off everything they advertise about their server is absolutely 100% true. The spawn rate is better! The starters are at level 10 and they even give you more options than most servers do for starters which was one of the re...
Updated Luvdisc fishing and spawn loot to remove unused items. Added Bombirdier to River, Lakes, and Beaches during the Day on Land and Air with an anticondition of Freezing biomes and Mountainous biomes rarely. Added Gimmighoul Chest form to Jungle Pyramids, Desert Pyramids, Haunted Towers, ...
Added ability to specify "chance" in the "spawnInfos" section of the spawn sets; which is a decimal value specifying a chance of the set not spawning Changes: 17509 18316 Decorate Pixelmon blocks that could hold items will now drop those items when destroyed. 17820 The Orb item is now loc...
Added Finizen and Palafin as spawn replacements to dolphins. Added "bypass" and "field" move flags. Changes: Reworked the PC display: Removed the "release bin": To release Pokemon from your PC you now right-click it and press the "release" button. Added a "hot key" tool bar, and...