·修复了/ MingRing施加超级手环但不可在战斗中进行mega进化的问题~·修复捕获率·所有的球倍率都不起效果(如黑暗球没有3.5倍的捕获概率)·不计算所有状态的影响(如睡觉状态时没有2.5倍的捕获概率)~·调整各种1024x方块的纹理以提高性能·清理并压缩了数百个方块纹理,以加快加载时间·我们的概念系统现在可以处理更...
This includes Mega Evolutions of all the Kanto starters and the mechanics behind obtaining and using Mega Evolution. This includes a shiny new Mega Ring accessory and changes to boss Pokémon. The wiki will be updated with these details shortly (or you could go explore yourself too).Not to ...
Added a Mega Tiara. Added two permissions for /endbattle, "pixelmon.command.admin.endbattle.ordinary" and "pixelmon.command.admin.endbattle.forceful". Added allowIllegalShinies .hocon setting Added Shadow Ho-oh and updated Shadow Lugia giveaway skins, these are both now bundled and are emissive...