Ice Stone and Ice Shard. All Umbrellas. Rare Candy. Prism Scale. Gift. Silver and Gold Hourglasses. Dynamax Candy. Ranch Upgrade. Wall Clocks. Pokéball Rugs. Ruby, Silicon, Sapphire and Amethyst Blocks. Ruby, Silicon, Sapphire, Crystal and Amethyst items. Sweet, Tart and Fancy Apple. Reas...
Ice Rider Calyrex Shadow Rider Calyrex Carkol Coalossal Cufant Cursola Dracovish Dracozolt Flapple Galarian Farfetch'd Galarian Corsola Galarian Darumaka Galarian Linoone Galarian Meowth Galarian Mr.Mime Galarian Zapdos Galarian Zigzagoon Glastrier Gmax Sandaconda Gossifleur Greedent Groudon Guzzlord ...
Dawn Stone Shard50%1 Eye of Ender10%1 Stats HP:38 Attack:35 Defense:35 Sp. Atk:65 Sp. Def:55 Speed:50 Total:278 Typeeffectiveness 1×1×0×1×1×¼×1×1×2×1×1×1×1×2×½×1×2×1× Moves By level LevelMoveTypeCategoryPowerAccuracyPP ...
Ice Stone ice_stone Thunder Stone Shard thunder_stone_shard Leaf Stone Shard leaf_stone_shard Water Stone Shard water_stone_shard Fire Stone Shard fire_stone_shard Sun Stone Shard sun_stone_shard Moon Stone Shard moon_stone_shard Dusk Stone Shard dusk_stone_shard Dawn Stone Shard ...