# Number ofstages to go through before breeding occurs (1-5)生蛋发生之前,需要经过的阶段数量(1-5)I:"Numberof breeding levels"=5生蛋阶段数量=5(可以设置1-5) # Sets thenumber of steps per egg cycle, lower numbers hatch eggs faster设置每个蛋的孵出数字周期,降低周期可以使蛋的孵化速度加快I:...
# Whether or not /ivs will work on eggs # 设置是否可以用 /ivs 查询蛋的个体 B:"Check Egg IVs"=true # Sets how long the time will be until the user can use /hatch again # 设置多久可以使用一次 /hatch 指令 I:"Hatch Command Cooldown (in seconds)"=600 # Notify OPs when players run...