Pixelmon Generations is an unofficial continuation of The Pixelmon Mod. Known for its fast updates, Pixelmon Generations is usually the first to release Pokémon as they are added to the official games. In addition, extra content such as costumes is added quite regularly. Bugs with the mod are...
That's my review of this amazing server, if you didn't figure it out yet, the server IP is play.pokemayhem.com and it can be played on Pixelmon Reforged and Pixelmon Generations Official on the Technic Launcher! If you would like you can also get it on Forge, here's a step to ste...
The minimum Forge version for this update is 48.1.0 and is required for a Pixelmon client to run. Worlds from 1.16.5 may not work with newer versions of Minecraft. Consider backups before updating. If using datapacks, consider refreshing every update for default datapack fixes from Pixelmon....
The current focus is on improving generations 1-6, and fleshing out new features. Generation 7 will be added once the team feels that everything's ready for it. Can I suggest a feature or change for Pixelmon?There is currently no official place to post suggestions, but we'll be keeping...