its best to equip yourself with powerful weapons. And in Pixel Gun 3D, players will have dozens of different weapons to place in their arsenals. Each weapon has its own advantages and disadvantages so make sure you use them cleverly to gain the upper hand. ...
像素枪3d国际版是一款独特的多人冒险休闲游戏,在像素枪3d国际版中玩家能够不断的进行多种像素3D对战玩法和自由的枪械射击FPS对决哦!一起来玩像素枪3d国际版游戏! 像素枪3d国际版介绍 像素枪3d国际版是一款玩起来比较刺激的沙盒世界冒险射击游戏,玩家会进入一个特别自由的游戏世界,里面会有不同的地图! 像素枪3d国际...
Type: sniper Grade: Legendary Released: 10.3.0 Base Damage Legendary: 137 (bodyshot) 192 (headshot) Fire Rate 60 Capacity 5 Mobility 50 Credit FREAXZGaming Before Use of this Model - Antihero Rifle Model Pixel Gun 3D - Download Free 3D model by FREAXZG
Scan this code to open the model on your device, then, tap on the AR icon. Open this link with your mobile: LOADING... If the loading takes too long, you can learn morehere AR is not available for this model yet. Please try again later or contact us if the problem persists. ...
pixel gun 3d(简称pg3d)是一款由rilisoft开发的射击游戏,自2013年发行以来,深受全球玩家的喜爱。这款游戏以其独特的像素风格画面和丰富的游戏内容,为玩家带来了前所未有的射击体验。游戏以minecraft为灵感,构建了一个充满怪物和僵尸的像素世界。 游戏机制 1. 武器装备系统:游戏中拥有多达111种不同的武器装备,从现实...
In Pixel Gun 3D you have a perfect chance to battle with your friends, classmates and colleagues or anyone else all around the world
pixel gun 3d(简称pg3d)是一款由rilisoft开发的射击游戏,自2013年发行以来,深受全球玩家的喜爱。这款游戏以其独特的像素风格画面和丰富的游戏内容,为玩家带来了前所未有的射击体验,让玩家在战斗中享受无尽的乐趣。 游戏机制 1. 武器装备系统:游戏中拥有多达111种不同的武器装备,从现实到科幻无所不包,玩家可以通过...
久违的Pixel G..新的图标新的界面新的武器,新的货币,新的一切…道具一类新增加喷气背包,防御塔(德玛西亚!),和自动机器人。(全部钻石买。。新的地图(表示服务器爆满lz也没玩过)
Pixel Gun 3D-残酷彩虹,彩虹是挺彩虹的,但是不够残酷。【3D像素射击】 1801 -- 3:45 App Pixel Gun 3D-维京人,重回神坛!【3D像素射击】 1432 -- 0:41 App Pixel Gun 3D-爱弩/阿弗洛狄忒十字弓皮肤破碎的心,特效演示[首发] 1102 -- 4:06 App PixeI Gun 3D-野猪的咆哮,这射的也太远了吧!【3D...
783 -- 2:49 App Pixel Gun 3D 雪怪精灵,挺厉害啊,跟四海风暴对着轰 1912 1 7:37 App Pixel Gun 3D 冰之爪,测评,想要很久了,这应该是前5刀 4347 3 4:20 App Pixel gun 3d-超级强的英雄重剑 2177 4 3:47 App 手感满分的核心剑 Pixel Gun 3D 像素射击/像素枪战 52 1555 1 3:30 App Pix...