the #1 source of information about Pixel Gun 3D and Pixel Gun World! If you have an account, please check out the full rules before you start editing! info About Pixel Gun and are first person shooter games created by Alex Krasnov and/or Cubic.Games. They include a wide variety of ...
The Gallery is a feature introduced in the 16.5.0 update in which all of the weapons a player has in their Armory (either bought or buyable) are present. They can be tested in the Polygon. It is unlocked at level 10. Weapons can be bought alternatively u
Back To Nature Pixel Pass Season, Lottery, and Event set. Civilization and nature come together to create a brave new world Scientific Madness Event. Dive deep into the scientific chaos IMPROVEMENTS Weapon Rotation in Battle Royale FOV changing setting ...
ThePixel Gun Conception Wiki, which can also be called the "Pixel Gun Fanon Wiki", is a wiki that is dedicated to content created by fans ofPixel Gun 3D&Pixel Gun World. In this wiki, the custom weapons and other stuff, which are all created by fans of the same franchise, are all ...
-- Add the firing sound of the weapon (it could be a firing sound from another gun, or an OGG player --> |upgrades = <!-- Add upgrades here --> |theme = <!-- If the weapon has a special theme, add it here --> |supported_maps = <!-- Add the maps that are suitable for...
Gallery Chronology 🡨 Previous Weapon Next Weapon 🡪 Shower Sprinkler Solar Flare TheStar Shardis aBackupweapon introduced in the 18.1.0 update. Description It is a futuristic themed pistol that fires solar-powered projectiles in the form of controllable rockets. It deals a great amount of damag...
Uncle Sam himself wears a suit and hat in the theme of the American flag, he also has a grey beard. He wields a large machine gun and a grenade launcher at the back with the American flag strapped to his back. Performance When the fire button is held down, Uncle Sam will fire his...
In here, add unimportant facts and trivia about this mode. Outline This outline is the normal and empty outline. If still misguided, you can use the second outline to know where exactly to put some of the input. Also, note thateither outline must be pasted to a source editor. ...
Pixel Gun 3D has unique maps of various shapes and sizes. The maps make fighting interesting and provided an element of strategy too. Give this game a try today and see if you can survive the battle royale, or the awesome multiplayer game action. Don’t forget to try out the different ...
Pixel Gun Conception Wiki 1,550 pages Explore Modes Category page Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Overview Randomize ModesMode guide Modesare game contents, in which each mode provides their main rule. Modes can be found in the Map Selection. ...