A wacky, chaotic, action game with a rogue-like permadeath, unlockable heroes, timelord, chickenguns, donkey kong levels, gameboy levels and much more. Fight your way through as many levels and worlds as you can, defeat the Black Duck Army, and close the gates of Hell. ...
Fight and stomp your way through a pixel wild west/ day of the dead world taking on the forces of dead conquistadors and slimes with guns! It is up to you if the world will be saved or taken back into the days of darkness!
- Depths of the Mictlan Lottery. Even the underworld has its favorite weapons. Guns for this Lottery are personally approved by Mictecacihuatl, the lady of the underworld and queen of serpents - Ancient History Set. Teocalli, skulls, quetzal feathers, obsidian, and gold – this set draws in...
Well that's a bit unusual. Orangepixel who created games like Space Grunts, Heroes of Loot, Gunslugs and more has announced Residual. Residual will crash you into a randomly generated planet with no other humanoid life. From here, you need to find a way to restore your s...
Tune up your gear with modifications to fit your play style. Experiment with different mods and ammo types to deal varying types of damage and inflict status effects on enemies. Whether you prefer a technical approach or go in guns blazing, modifying your gear is key as you battle your way...
IndieDB the independent games site. News, downloads and media direct from the developers. Powered by ramen noodles.
If you’re interested in making games, I hope my experiences and the advice I pass on in my game post-mortems are of use to you. Otherwise I at least hope the story of how I made my game is entertaining. Subscribe to my channel and you can check out the latest episode in my game...
s acquisition in 2011. Learn more atwww.TwistedPixelGames.comand Twitter@twisted_pixel. Related Here’s a new E3 trailer for Twisted Pixel’s LocoCycle, plus screens June 10th, 2013 LocoCycle racing to Xbox 360, Steam on Valentine’s Day...
Cleaning your guns is important. Don't want them to jam in a tough fight. Audio wise 4A Games have done a great job at realising the destroyed but not dead world ofMetro. The wind blows, grass rustles, water splashes and laps at the shores of islets as mutants slip into the dark wa...
Check out the Sparklite Steam page for more information. You can also keep on top of all things Sparklite on the official Merge Games Discord channel where there will be numerous new updates on all things Sparklite leading up to the release date! Add Sparklite to your Steam Wishlist – https...