Do you know any other sites you like for creating pixel art?Or would you like to see a game tutorial about a certain game you always wanted to develop but don’t know how?Let us know and send us a direct message here.Find the Best Demos and Examples Check out this quick tour to ...
[油管] 终极像素艺术教程 - The Ultimate Pixel Art Tutorial 刚子哥forever 230 0 [Tiktok]国外大神像素风格艺术绘画作品集锦12 刚子哥forever 45 0 [油管] 终极概念艺术教程 - How To Make Game Art 刚子哥forever 59 0 像素画学习打卡day6 - 球体 刚子哥forever 395 0 展开 守护流浪毛孩子,蛇年恭喜...
[油管] 简单的像素艺术行走循环教程 - Easy Pixel Art Walk Cycle Tutorial 03:04 [油管] 像素艺术背景教程- (Aseprite)- Pixel Art Background Tutorial - (Aseprite) 07:19 每天画像素艺术一个月-像素艺术时间流 Drawing Pixel Art Every Day For A Month - Pixel Art Timelapse 13:56 [油管] 30 ...
Die Hochzeit der Pixel-Art ist wohl vorbei. Dennoch lebt sie als besondere Kunstform weiter. Ob für sich stehende Kunst, animierte Sprites oder ein eigenes Game – Pixel-Art erzeugt bei Betrachtenden immer ein Gefühl von Nostalgie. Aber Pixel-Art ist weit mehr als ein Rückschritt in die ...
这个网站是关于独立游戏indienova.com的,浏览途中看到了像素画,3年前用Photoshop+Flash作过一幅作品,瞬间来了兴趣,看了像素画的起源之类的文章,在教程区域发现了很多像素画的教程,发现基本都是英文,今天工作强度一般,就来试着翻译一篇。 原文链接Pixel Art Tutorial(需要翻墙) ...
Pixel Art TutorialThis tutorial is a general introduction to pixel art and explains the basic concepts. Besides the elemental theory you'll find pixel art related information, step-by-step examples including how-to videos and pages describing the creation of a pixel art illustration from start to...
比如这张至今都挺满意的 game of thrones 我最喜欢的场景: 一定程度上原创(别的形式转换成 pixel)的 fanart: 第一次比较满意的场景尝试: 一些半原创的 icon set : Day 70 - Day 100 动画 原计划里本来没打算在这个 100 天里做动画,但 Pixel Art 确实比我想象中上手还要快,在每天时间有限的情况下如果不大...
“The game will stay in Early Access as long as is needed to reach a good educational outcome of the initial Pixel Art Fundamentals course. The duration of this is impossible to predict, but the answer would be in years rather than months.” ...
I finally decided to make a box that looked good on the shelf with the Netrunner art. My first attempt at this style of box, I am pretty pleased with the results.I did use some expansion art, but this box only holds the base game.I have each deck in their own little section and ...
【Unity U3D】2D像素游戏 开发视频教程(pixel art game) 9.0万播放 Unity Character Movement and Animation in 2D with Sprite Sheet - Tutorial 10:14 Unity Top Down Character Movement and Animation with Blend Tree - Tutorial 08:57 Unity Xbox Controller Joystick Input with Input Manager - Tutorial 05...