Tutorial: Pixel art tile floor Michel Mohr (2017) 0 0 Walkthrough of creating a floor tile. photoshop, tiles, floor, walkthroughInstant Pixel Art with Photoshop and Krita (Indexed Color) Ianuarius (2017) 0 0 How to reduce an image and use it to create pixel art in Photoshop. ...
Krita - Krita is a cross-platform application for creating digital art files from scratch like illustrations, concept art, matte painting, textures, comics and animations. Material Colors Native - Choose your Material colours and copy the hex code. Pencil2D Animation - Pencil2D is an animation...
Whether it’s a LinkedIn profile, your Twitter account, or your business website, having a professional-sounding bio needs to make a positive statement. It should be brief to ensure readers don’t switch off or tune out. This means that you have anywhere from around 10 words, in the case...