Experiments have proved that our grasping method is better than other state-of-the-art methods; our network can be generalized to all types of targets and can perform stable grasping. Figure 10. Robot grasping in different cluttered scenarios: (a) objects detection, (b) adaptive gripper ...
(Ffeiagtuurrees6()F.igTuhree 6fi).rsTtheevent (18 Ofcitrostbeevre2n0t1(51)8isOactfoabsetr-m20o1v5i)nigs,alafragset--mscoavliengfr, olnartgael-pscraelecipfriotnattaiol nprsetcoiprmita.tiAonn sintotremn.seAlnowin-tpenrseessure systemloww-apsrelsoscuarteedsyosvteemr Owkalasholomcaate...
For example, we may simply use the state-of-the-art DNN as the primary SR. Nevertheless, considering the balance between model complexity and performance (and also to ensure that our proposed method is a pixel-based mapping as per our research goal), we select the “6th-order polynomial ...
be linearly correlated with SIF, thus explaining the heterogeneity of SIF. However, Dechant et al. [62] have shown that NIRv tends to saturate at high SIF values when different seasonal conditions and/or ecosystem vegetation fractional cover are integrated to linearly correlate NIRv and SIF. ...