6. 输入指令:fastbootflashing unlock,手机会出现是否解锁的界面,通过音量键选择,电源键确认解锁 7. bootLoader界面显示unlocked(解锁),即为显示解锁成功,输入指令:fastboot reboot 之后手机就会重启 分支二:重新锁定bootloader 6. 先确保手机恢复为Google官方ROM,卸载Magisk APP 7. 输入指令:fastboot flashing lock,手机...
Step 6: Lock the BootloaderType “fastboot flashing lock” in the Command Prompt window and press Enter. This command will lock the bootloader on your phone. Your phone will prompt you to confirm the locking process. Use the Volume keys to select the option to lock the bootloader and press...
所以现在最好是两个槽位都刷到最新的15版本,因为现在是 b 槽位版本低所以执行 fastboot set_active b ,然后再刷一遍 android15 https://flash.android.com/preview/vic-beta2.2?hl=zh-cn 这里务必注意取消 Lock Bootloader 的勾选,根据我以前刷小米的经验,这里不取消八成就把你的 Bootloader 给锁上了 小结:...
Forum:Google Pixel 6 R ThreadBricked with custom ROM and a locked bootloader - Pixel 4a. HELP😭 I know I know you're already blaming me but help me right now plz. So here's what happened, I was using a custom rom on my Google pixel 4a and that ROM started giving me bugs after...
要解锁V版谷歌Pixel 2的Bootloader十分简单,只需要一句Fastboot命令: fastboot flashing lock_critical 有两点需要注意。首先,这种解锁Bootloader的方法适用于谷歌Pixel 2,Pixel 2 XL的用户不要尝试,另外,运营商或者谷歌可能在将来的软件升级中封堵这种解锁Bootloader的方式(当然也有可能不封堵),如果你想在V版谷歌Pixel 2...
自发布以来,Verizon版(以下简称“V版”)的谷歌Pixel 2的Bootloader就一直处于不能解锁的状态,而最近,XDA论坛上的一个网友发现了解锁V版谷歌Pixel 2 Bootloader的方式。 要解锁V版谷歌Pixel 2的Bootloader十分简单,只需要一句Fastboot命令: fastboot flashi...
Hey, I have almost wiped everything out on the internet, still couldn't find a way to unlock the bootloader on my pixel 6 pro does any one know how can we unlock the bootloader on a VZW Pixel 6 pro. My device is Carrier Unlocked but OEM Locked. The OEM option is greyed out and ...
flashing c...moreSadly with how the industry is moving forward, those days will be almost over, not even Xiaomi is letting you unlock bootloader as easily anymore with HyperOS, they want to lock you out of options just so when your phone dies, you have to buy another rather than fix ...
给Bootloader 重新上锁 如果你解锁过 Bootloader,给 Bootloader 重新上锁的步骤应该也不用我多做解释。重启至 Bootloader 界面并将手机连接至电脑,然后打开终端运行fastboot flashing lock命令即可重新上锁。至于注意事项,也是还是那句: 更改Bootloader 锁定状态会清除所有数据,请千万千万千万做好备份工作。
Can you unlock the bootloader on the Pixel 6/6 Pro? Is it easy to root? Generally, phones from Google have bootloaders that are easy to unlock, which means it also becomes quite simple to root the device. However, we're not sure how the new Tensor chip will affect this. We will up...