开发者@mile_freak07在 Twitter 上发帖称,他们在 Android 测试版的配置文件中发现了与人脸解锁相关的新变化。这不是他们第一次在 Pixel 6 系列上发现面部识别,但条目发生变化的事实表明这可能是谷歌正在积极努力的事情。也就是说,没有关于 Face Unlock 何时到达手机的信息,如果有的话。它可能随时以软件更新的...
也就是说,无论Google是否决定用Android 12L或Pixel Feature Drop为Pixel 6 Pro带来Face Unlock,非Pro机型可能不会得到它,因为Pixel 6的相同代码文件中没有提到Face Unlock,这相当令人困惑,因为Pro型号实际上并没有为人脸识别提供任何特殊硬件,也许Google仅仅是想让脸部解锁专属于更大更贵的Pixel 6 Pro。 特别声明:...
我们可能不得不等到分析发布:在人脸解锁之前,人脸解锁的乐趣来到 Pixel 6 Pro - Pixel 7 和 Pixel 7 Pro 可能会包括提供更加无缝解锁的硬件升级经验。 分析:人脸解锁的乐趣 谷歌决定将 Face Unlock 排除在Pixel 5之外——据谷歌称,这是为该设备的其他高级功能腾出空间的一种权衡。此前,它曾出现在 Google Pixel...
Although it isn't clear why Google chose to drop the feature before the launch, the fact that it hasn't removed all evidence from the source suggests that Face Unlock could make its way to the Pixel 6 series in the future. We speculate that the company faced some critical issues with Fa...
For whatever reason, face unlock is not available on the Pixel 6 duo. Maybe work on the feature didn’t complete in time for launch and it will be finished and delivered to user in a future Pixel feature drop. Maybe.
早在4 月,9to5Google 就报道过 Pixel 6 Pro 或迎来面容解锁功能,并对该功能的持续开发做了详细报道。现在,Android 13 QPR1 终于揭示了 Pixel Face Unlock 最终体验的神秘面纱。不过需要指出的是,即使通过对 Google 上传到 Play 商店的新版 App 进行了反编译,也不意味着相关功能就一定、或很快在正式版本中提供...
也就是说,无论Google是否决定用Android 12L或Pixel Feature Drop为Pixel 6 Pro带来Face Unlock,非Pro机型可能不会得到它,因为Pixel 6的相同代码文件中没有提到Face Unlock,这相当令人困惑,因为Pro型号实际上并没有为人脸识别提供任何特殊硬件,也许Google仅仅是想让脸部解锁专属于更大更贵的Pixel 6 Pro。
FaceUnlock并非Pixel6 Pro的主打生物识别方式,而是专为Pixel7系列设计,用于便捷解锁手机。尽管作为一项辅助功能,它可能无法满足所有用户的生物识别需求,但对于那些更偏爱面部解锁而非指纹扫描的用户,它依然是一种选择。总的来说,谷歌在面部解锁功能的实现上,似乎更倾向于在新一代Pixel系列中提供更为...
1. Unlock by Recovery Mode (Backup Needed) Unlock your Pixel 6 Pro to carry out this method. Hold power and Volume (-) buttons simultaneously until the Fastboot screen shows up, and then release them. After having the "No Command" window on your Pixel 6 Pro display, follow these steps:...
My pixel 4 has face unlock works every time, if they did it for the pixel 4’s why not the 6’s ? Should have had finger print and Face unlock they are Flagship phones?, one day they might get it all right. Reply V Vinnie Madrox ...