我成功地使用了cut in R来按年龄对数据进行分组,并在每个7d的bin中有默认值(计数)。我很抱歉提供了有限的资料,希望这能澄清问题。我在Excel中有2000多行数据。列为'MaleFI‘、MaleMEI和MaleBW,其中FI为食物摄入量,MEI为代谢能摄入量,BW为体重。通常,我可以使用Excel数据透视表来分析数据,但这不包括计算中值或...
Sometimes the data that gets updated is wider than yourcolumn widthor longer than your row height. If you want to retain the formatting for your columns and rows when you refresh a pivot table, it's a simple setting. Related:How to Set Row Height and Column Width in Excel Using the Key...
In this tutorial, we have used the reshape2 package to create a pivot table. In case you want to create pivot tables with packages such as dplyr and tidyr, you may have a look at thepivot_longer and pivot_wider functions. Please let me know in the comments, in case you have any fu...
Neuberechnungist der Prozess, bei dem die Ergebnisse von Formeln aktualisiert werden, um Änderungen an den Formeln selbst sowie an den zugrunde liegenden Daten widerzuspiegeln. Die Neuberechnung kann die Leistung in folgender Weise beeinträchtigen: ...
Creating a pivot table in Excel is not difficult, but it is time consuming. This is especially true if you are concerned with the format of your reports; getting the font sizes and the colors just the way you want them can be labor intensive. However, you can create a pivot table with...
If you are an Excel expert, you may think it as creating an excel pivot table and dragging data tab with mouse. If you use R, you may think it as making a long table to wide or making a wide table to long. This process can be done by pivot_wider() or pivot_longer(). ...
Areas Section Only (1 by 4): Hides the Fields section and displays the areas in a single column. Use this layout if you no longer need the Fields section. Also, this layout gives each area a wider display, which is useful if some of your fields have ridiculously long names. Here are...
Diese Eigenschaft spiegelt direkt den Status desKontrollkästchens Alles auswählenin der Filter-Dropdownliste für PivotField oder CubeField wider. Support und Feedback Haben Sie Fragen oder Feedback zu Office VBA oder zu dieser Dokumentation? UnterOffice VBA-Support und Feedbackfinden Sie Hilfe...
Diese Eigenschaft spiegelt direkt den Status desKontrollkästchens Alles auswählenin der Filter-Dropdownliste für PivotField oder CubeField wider. Support und Feedback Haben Sie Fragen oder Feedback zu Office VBA oder zu dieser Dokumentation? UnterOffice VBA-Support und Feedbackfinden Sie Hilfe...