FOR [<column name containing values for pivot table columns>] IN ( [first pivoted column], ..., [last pivoted column] ) ) AS PivotTableAlias ORDER BY clause -- optional T-SQL Pivot Table Examples in AdventureWorks SQL Server sample database select PS.Name, P.Color, PIn.Quantity from P...
2015 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 Table-Value parameter used in .Net. Simple sample TechDays - Link to downloadable tools Pivot tables in SQL Server. A simple sample. DataAdapter.Update returns 0 and doesn't update the table in SQL Server. 02 01 2008Lea...
Just add empname, gender in table. So let's fill it with some data. insert into tblGenderEMP values (1, 'mohan', 'M' ,52) insert into tblGenderEMP values (2, 'mohini', 'F',65) insert into tblGenderEMP values (3, 'suraj', 'M',500) insert into tblGenderEMP values (4, 'su...
We’ve seen how we can create pivot tables in SQL Server to view data in much the same way as we’d use pivot tables in Excel. What if we want to interact with data in SQL Server (ie update values) from a pivot table in Excel? A use case for this kind of action would be an ...
for IncomeDay in ([MON],[TUE],[WED],[THU],[FRI],[SAT],[SUN])) -- Make colum where IncomeDay is in one of these. as MaxIncomePerDay -- Pivot table alias where VendorId in ('SPIKE') -- Select only for this vendor You can of course use this SQL in your C# apps and then...
table_source UNPIVOT( value_column FOR pivot_column IN(<column_list>) ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 注意:PIVOT、UNPIVOT是SQL Server 2005的语法,使用需修改数据库兼容级别 在数据库属性->选项->兼容级别改为 90 一、行转列 1、建立表格 ifobject_id('tb')isnotnulldroptabletb ...
) AS SourceTable PIVOT ( SUM(Amount) FOR Product IN ('+@cols+') ) AS PivotTable;';-- 执行动态查询EXECsp_executesql@query; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 在这里,我们通过sp_executesql执行动态构建的 SQL 查询。PIVOT 操作使用SUM(Amount)进行数据汇总。
@@FETCH_STATUS in nested loops @@ServerName returns wrong value in SQL SERVER 2008 ##TempTable and INSERT-SELECT FROM an existing Table with an IDENTITY column %rowtype equivalent in SQL server ++ operator in TSQL - bug or feature? 2 tables referencing each other using foreign it ...
SQL 複製 -- Create the table and insert values as portrayed in the previous example. CREATE TABLE pvt ( VendorID INT, Emp1 INT, Emp2 INT, Emp3 INT, Emp4 INT, Emp5 INT); GO INSERT INTO pvt VALUES (1, 4, 3, 5, 4, 4); INSERT INTO pvt VALUES (2, 4, 1, 5, 5, ...
select * from 源表名 as 表别名 pivot(聚合函数(源表需要聚合显示的列的字段名) for 源表数据中需要转换为列名的列的字段名 in (转换后的列名1,转换后的列名2...)) as 表别名 2、举个例子 先创建一个作为数据源的表插入少量数据: createtableStudentScores(StudentNamevarchar(16),Subjectvarchar(16),Sco...