The Pivot Table feature is used by many Excel users – beginners as well advanced. One thing that often troubles new Pivot Table users is when they find that a Pivot Table Fields list (some people call this Pivot Table Fields menu) goes missing. You can’t do much with a Pivot table ...
OK, now we have everything we need to create our pivot table. I’m going to show youthree months of dummy datafirst so you see what the pivot table is made of. Then I’ll step through the pivot table to get the results. This may get long. Source data table (you can copy this ...
Re: Help pivot table? Merge? Mail Merge? I attached a sample to the original message. I could tell when i started youtubing BV code that it was not going to be for beginners. Thanks! Register To Reply 05-24-2019, 01:56 PM #6 63falcondude Forum Expert Join Date 08-22-20...