The “field name is not valid” error message can also appear if you try to refresh an existing pivot table, or if you click the Refresh All command in an Excel workbook. In some cases, you might not know which pivot table is causing the problem, because the pivot table error does not...
“The PivotTable field name is not valid. To create a PivotTable report, you must use data that is organized as a list with labeled columns. If you are changing the name of a PivotTable field, you must type a new name for the field.” As much as Excel offers some information to he...
Imagine you are diligently working on your Excel spreadsheet, and all of a sudden, you are stuck with an error –“the pivot table field name is not valid.” This cryptic message occurs when trying to create a pivot table or modify data fields in a pivot table using VBA. This error can...
Field Name Not ValidSometimes, if you try to create or refresh a pivot table in Microsoft Excel, a PivotTable error message appears: “The PivotTable field name is not valid. To create a PivotTable report, you must use data that is organized as a list with labeled columns. If you are...
“PivotTable字段名无效。要创建PivotTable报告,必须使用组织为带有标签列的列表的数据”错误。 、 当我打开我的ThePivotTablefieldnameis notvalid.To create aPivotTablereport, you must use data that is organized as a list with labeled columnsExcel ...
Excel:数据透视表(Pivot Table)简介 数据透视表(Pivot Table)是一种交互式的表,可以进行某些计算,如求和与计数等。所进行的计算与数据跟数据透视表中的排列有关。方法/步骤 1 之所以称为数据透视表,是因为可以动态地改变它们的版面布置,以便按照不同方式分析数据,也可以重新安排行号、列标和页字段...
Excel 方法/步骤 1 准备一张带有数据的表格 2 新建一个sheet页或者在当前页面寻找一片空白单元格 3 点击insert-->pivot table.如图所示。4 选择要做统计的数据范围,单机如图所示的小方块。5 鼠标单击到需要做统计的数据页面,然后按住鼠标左键不放,选择D-J列,完成后,放开鼠标键。6 再点击刚才的小方块回去,...
应该是没有找到指定的 PivotFields,要么是名称不对。也有可能是你的 "表面处理/型材类别"不是一个"透视表字段",而是一个"透视表项"改成 ActiveSheet.PivotTables("数据透视表1").PivotFields("值").PivotItems("表面处理/型材类别")PivotFields("值") 根据实际情况修改。试试。
OpenXmlAttribute nameEle= pivotCacheField.GetAttribute("name",""); nameEle.Value=_translator.Translate(nameEle.Value); pivotCacheField.SetAttribute(nameEle); } } } 4. 翻译Pivot Table 透视表定义区域的数据字段名,以及图表区的数据源表名