(<SELECT query that produces the data>)AS<alias for the source query>PIVOT(<aggregation function>(<column being aggregated>)FOR<column that contains the values that become column headers>IN(<first pivoted column>,<second pivoted column>, ...<last pivoted column>) )AS<alias for the pivot ...
<aggregation function>(<column being aggregated>) FOR [<column that contains the values that will become column headers>] IN ( [first pivoted column], [second pivoted column], ... [last pivoted column]) ) AS <alias for the pivot table> <optional ORDER BY clause>; 示例1:pivot 1.数据准...
(<SELECT query that produces the data>)AS<alias for the source query>PIVOT(<aggregation function>(<column being aggregated>)FOR<column that contains the values that become column headers>IN(<first pivoted column>,<second pivoted column>, ...<last pivoted column>) )AS<alias for the pivot ...
<aggregate function> [AS <alias>] [, <aggregate function> [AS <alias>]] ... FOR (<column> [, <column>] ...) IN ( (<value> [, <value>] ...) AS <new column> [, (<value> [, <value>] ...) AS <new column>] ... ) ) [...] <aggregate_function> 表示行转列时需要...
(<SELECT query that produces the data>)AS<alias for the source query>PIVOT(<aggregation function>(<column being aggregated>)FOR<column that contains the values that become column headers>IN(<first pivoted column>,<second pivoted column>, ...<last pivoted column>) )AS<alias for the pivot ...
3.2 pivot() function from MS SQL Server As long as the process can be done with same logic, people will try to write down it as a function. There is function call pivot() in MS SQL Server, it can be used like below: 1 2
CONCATENATE Function Compose a date based on date parts extracted from a text date Power Pivot uses a SQL Server date/time data type to work with dates; therefore, if your external data contains dates that are formatted differently -- for example, if your dates are written in a regional dat...
rowset_function 适用范围:SQL Server 和 SQL 数据库。 指定其中一个行集函数(如 OPENROWSET),该函数返回可用于替代表引用的对象。 有关行集函数的列表的详细信息,请参阅行集函数 (Transact-SQL)。 使用OPENROWSET 和 OPENQUERY 函数指定远程对象依赖于访问该对象的 OLE DB 访问接口的性能。
针对此子组上的 aggregate_function 对 value_column 求值,其结果作为相应的 output_column 的值返回。如果该子组为空,SQL Server 将为该 output_column 生成空值。如果聚合函数是 COUNT ,且子组为空,则返回零 (0) 。 接着我们利用我们开头的例子来理解一下这个FROM 子句,很显然我们的col4 对应上面的value_co...
syntaxsql SELECT<non-pivoted column>, [first pivoted column]AS<column name>, [second pivoted column]AS<column name>, ... [last pivoted column]AS<column name>FROM(<SELECT query that produces the data>)AS<alias for the source query>PIVOT(<aggregation function>(<column being aggregat...