Tree ageTree growth ringsRotation periodPittosporum undulatum Ventenat (Pittosporaceae) is an invasive tree of forests and woodlands in several regions of the world. In the Azores archipelago it occupies about 30% of the forested areas and efforts to valorize its biomass are underway. ...
Hurricane disturbance accelerates invasion by the alien tree Pittosporum undulatum in Jamaican montane rain forests PJ, Tanner EVJ, Healey JR (2005) Hurricane disturbance accelerates invasion by the alien tree Pittosporum undulatum in Jamaican montane rain forests. J......
In southern Australia, the tree Pittosporum undulatum Vent. has established in new areas, causing a serious reduction in floristic and structural diversity. Pittosporum undulatum has a high competitive ability and creates an environment that favours its own progeny at the expense of other species, ...
Tree ageTree growth ringsRotation periodPittosporum undulatum Ventenat (Pittosporaceae) isL. Borges Silva a b cA. Teixeira aM. Alves bR.B. Elias dL. Silva aForest Ecology and ManagementL. Borges Silva, A. Teixeira, M. Alves, R.B. Elias, L. Silva, Tree age determination in the ...
Sweet pittosporum (Pittosporum undulatum) is native to eastern parts of Australia. It is a tree growing to 15m tall with wavy (undulating) leaf edges and also has attractive fragrant flowers, sweet pittosporum. This tree has been introduced widely as an ornamental plant to North America, ...
Pittosporum undulatum is a widespread invasive tree in the Azores archipelago with a considerable potential as andoi:10.1007/978-3-319-55236-1_22Lurdes Borges SilvaUniversidade dos AçoresPatrícia LourençoUniversity of AlmeraNuno Bicudo Ponte...
The sweet pittosporum ( Pittosporum undulatum) is native to eastern parts of Australia. It is a tree growing to 15 m tall with wavy (undulating) leaf edges and also has attractive fragrant flowers, sweet pittosporum and is found in southern Brazil. The chromatographic profile of this oil ...
undulatum , estimated stand density, measured diameter at breast height, basal area, tree height, and number of branches at breast height in a total of 5872 trees, and determined the AGB of 674 trees. Allometric equations were used to estimate AGB from dendrometric traits (R 2 =0.88). ...