Free Essay: Pathos from the Pits of Pitts September 11, 2000. Boom. Broken. These two words alone are enough to describe the date that is now 16 years behind...
Pitts,W M.摘要: There have been many mathematical or astronomical explanations of the construction of certain elements at Stonehenge 1–9 . In 1979 a small salvage excavation at the site resulted in the chance discovery of a prehistoric pit dug to take a standing stone. The recognition that ...
Pitts M W.Stones,pits and Stonehenge.Nature. 1981Pitts M W. Stones,pits and Stonehenge[J].Nature,1981.46-47.M.W. Pitts: Stones, Pits and Stonehenge, Nature 290 (1981), 46-47Pitts, M.W. 1981, Stones, pits and Stonehenge. Nature. 290: 46-47. doi:10.1038/290046a0...
Pitts, H. Range, N. Schlueter, W. Teughels, S. Twetman, C. Van Loveren, F. Van Der Weijden, A.R. Vieira, A.G. Schulte Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases: consensus report of group 2 of the joint EFP/ORCA workshop ...
Christie Pitts pool is open quite late, especially during heat alerts, but lovers looking for a moonlight swim areknown to come by even later. A quick scale of the fence and they find themselves inside, surrounded by like-minded loiters looking for a little evening debauchery. Of course, ...