Thus, we propose a pitch-catch method using a pair of normal and angle probes to measure four parameters: the thicknesses of the pristine part and the corrosion layer, and their respective sound velocities. The validity of the proposed method was confirmed by measuring a two-layer sample and...
Enhanced wavefield imaging method for impact damage detection in composite laminates via laser-generated Lamb waves - ScienceDirect Full wavefield processing techniques are promising for damage detection and imaging. However, the high measuring requirements in space are labor-consuming... GAB Fei,YS C,...
Considering the easy fabrication and excellent performance of the pitch-catch T(0,1) wave ring transducers, this work provides a promising method for long-distance SHM of buried pipes. Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access...
Method and device for multi-sensor electromagnetic defectoscopy of well casings A group of inventions related to geophysical well logging, in particular to magnetic imaging defectoscopy of well casings including magnetized ones, that can be used to identify and classify defects in production and interm...
Furthermore, test on an experimental well has indicated that the method has the potential to detect the absence of cement in the annulus medium. 展开 关键词: Annulus-formation interface Cased hole Lamb wave Reverse time migration Ultrasonic pitch-catch ...
Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensor Network for Aircraft Structures Damage Localization: Pitch-Catch Method - Boukabche, Matmat - 2011 () Citation Context ... crucial than ever before for safety reasons and failure prognostics. Unlike metallic alloys, composite structures show after energetic impacts ...
Pitch-Catch MethodPorosity LevelA nondestructive technique would be very useful for evaluating the CF/Epoxy composite laminates. It is found that a pitch-catch signal was more sensitive than normal incidence backwall echo of longitudinal wave to subtle flaw conditions in the composites (damages, ...
A method and apparatus is disclosed for throwing and catching a ball. The apparatus includes a shaft (11) which can be held by a user and at least one scoop element (14) arranged at an end of the shaft. The scoop element includes at least one flexing member (16) for absorbing energy...
Simultaneous sound velocity and thickness measurement by the ultrasonic pitch-catch method for corrosion-layer-forming polymeric materials.doi:10.1016/j.ultras.2017.08.001Masahiro KusanoShota TakizawaTetsuya SakaiYoshihiko AraoMasatoshi KubouchiElsevier
STRUCTURE OF SHOE FOR PITCH CATCH AND ITS USING METHODPURPOSE: To provide a structure of shoe for pitch catch exhibiting high workability and scanning accuracy.TAKAO KOSABURO高尾 幸三郎