1 of 2noun ˈpich 1 :a black or dark viscous substance obtained as a residue in the distillation of organic materials and especially tars 2 :resin obtained from various conifers and often used medicinally pitch 2 of 2noun :the property of a sound and especially a musical tone that is ...
The meaning of PITCH is a black or dark viscous substance obtained as a residue in the distillation of organic materials and especially tars. How to use pitch in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Pitch.
Define pitch. pitch synonyms, pitch pronunciation, pitch translation, English dictionary definition of pitch. n. 1. Any of various thick, dark, sticky substances obtained from the distillation residue of coal tar, wood tar, or petroleum and used for wate
Define international pitch. international pitch synonyms, international pitch pronunciation, international pitch translation, English dictionary definition of international pitch. n. A sound wave frequency of 440 cycles per second, assigned to the A abov
A simple definition of pitch in music indicates that it is the specific position of a sound within a set of notes. Sounds are considered either higher or lower in pitch depending upon the frequency of vibration in the sound that is created by a wave. The pitch of sound is measured using...
A wave is described by its wavelength (the distance between wave peaks), its speed (how fast it propagates through a medium) and its frequency. The frequency of a sound wave is how many times it vibrates per second, measured in Hertz, where 1 Hertz (Hz) = one cycle ...
pitchn(section of a climb)SCSimplified Chinese坡段 Belays are needed on this particularly steep pitch. pitch⇒vi(ship: tilt, tip)(船只)SCSimplified Chinese颠簸,上下摇晃diān bǒ A large wave caused the boat to pitch. 猛烈的海浪会使船只颠簸。
Answer to: Sound-wave frequency is to pitch as amplitude is to ... a. loudness. b. timbre. c. quality of sound. d. complexity. By...
The pitch of a sound depends on the ___ of the sound wave. A. substance wavelength B. frequency C. amplitude D. type Auditory System: The system involved in collecting the information from the environment and transmitting it to create a ...
This document contains definitions of and remarks on different pitch and pitch interval representations. For good measure we need a definition of pitch, here the definition from [1] is used: The pitch frequency is the frequency of a pure sine wave which has the same perceived sound as the ...