Twitter Google Share on Facebook lime pit (redirected fromlimepit) lime pit or limepit n (Tanning) (in tanning) a pit containing lime in which hides are placed to remove the hair Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994...
Facebook’s new ad platform would allow the company to bring in revenue from its users even when they are not on Facebook – think any app on the App Store. Note, however, that the social network isn’t the only tech giant on the mobile ad space, as such a move would be a direct...
Facebook had to go, just as soon as I could muster the energy to start the process – no small feat in and of itself, what with the year of January being so emotionally and physically exhausting. Speaking of Instagram, when I wasn’t posting dumb shit there, I was watching reels of ...
I have a Facebook account, but I almost never post. I also have a Linkedin account, but it is a not premium, largely because I am not that interested in finding out who is looking at my profile or endorsing me (often for skills I don’t have). I do have a Twitter account and w...