Cleared To Carry in NYC Since 1968 Chartered by the NRA We will come to you 7 days a week Money back guarantee if permit is denied ** We guarantee our work We make it easy NRA Instructors on duty at all times FOIL Exemption Form ...
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We are, The #1 New York State 16 HourConcealedCarry License Class provider. CCIA (ConcealedCarry Improvement Act) Class, Approved by the NY DCJS and New York State Police. Have a question?Send us an e-mail or give us a call, we’re here to help you. And if we’re not available a...
In the City of New York one does not need a permit toshoot a .22 Caliber Rifle. At Westsiide we offer the opportunity for novices to experience the excitement offiring a .22 caliber rifle. In NYC and the five boroughs, a civilian cannot shoot/use/rent a HANDGUN or PISTOL without havi...
At Westiside we offer the opportunity for novices to experience the excitement of firing a .22 Caliber Rifle without the need of a NYC permit! Requirement:21 years of age or older, U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident with at least one (1) year residency in the United States. ...
OR HAVE A PERMIT? We specialize in true beginners. Bring a shooting buddy and government photo ID*. We'll get first-time shooters going in 60 minutes. (Register, get instruction, select gun, get shooting.) FAQ's PREGUNTAS BOOK THE RANGE NEAREST INDOOR GUN RANGE TO NYC, HUDSON, BER...
We offer: -FFL Services -Ultrasonic cleaning -NRA Instructors -NYC Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun Permit Assistance -Rentals (for NYC permit holders) Training: -Beginners .22 Rifle -HR 218 -NYS Security Guard -Utah CCW -Russian Systema Hours: 12:02 AM - 9:00 AM today Tue: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM...
Private Training in Self Defensive Concealed Carry Gun Training for NY, NJ, MD (CCW) CCW Permit Certification Testing Prepaid Gun Lawyer $11 per month... US Lawshield discount coupon code: POCONOSHOOTING Promo code POCONOSHOOTING waives the sign up fee and/or you get free months.https://www...