Adds a Mauser pistol which uses the 10mm ammo with mods into Fallout 4's Raider and Gunner loot and into the Merchant lists. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Translations Russian Italian Changelogs Donations Adds a Mauser pistol which uses the 10mm ammo with mods into Fallout...
- 'value' is way too high, so that it breaks the economy model (many other mods do this too, particularly armor and clothing)- laser pointer was really, really annoying while walking or running (and yes, I see there is a 'mod' for the gun to not use it - but this pointer... ...
前置: 弹药扩展项目: 3月5号更新汉化地址: 已打包本体和移除弹药前置的替换ESP一同上传。 本模组包含以下内容 全新的高度可定制的 9 毫米微冲! 超过 40+ 全新附件! 自定义实例命名规则,因此将其改装为卡宾型会更...
地址: 作者:FX0x01 - Hitman47101 文件说明 Mod截图 相关作品 自律机器人的阵营涂装 v1.1|猎户座诺瓦定制服装|世界征服者3 三国征服者MODv1.3|Blusher 1801 腮红|模拟人生4 纺织墙壁挂画MOD|空中公寓40X30|...
Download the mod Fallout's N99 10mm Pistol (Dual pistols) [request] for Left 4 Dead 2. Custom Maps and Mods for Games.
Man, these weapons are so good that they make me think they were taken straight out of a Fallout game. I really love the models here. They seem to somehow fit Skyrim in one of the weirdest ways possible. I don’t know much about the first generation of these rifles, but if there’...
1Description 2d20 Modern Rules 2.1Weapon Mods/Variants 2.2Craft/Repair Description[edit] The AEP7 laser pistol was developed for the United States Armed Forces with the intent of replacing the N99 10mm pistol as the standard-issue sidearm in law enforcement. It boasts a very generous battery siz...
The .44 pistol is a weapon appearing in Fallout 4. The .44 pistol is a double-action revolver, chambered in the .44 Magnum cartridge, with a blued finish and wooden grips. It doesn't have as many customization options as most pistol frames, but these fir
I've been wanting to learn how to build a weapon for Fallout 4 from the ground-up for some time, and this is the result. This adds a high-quality Beretta M9/92FS ("M9-FS") pistol to the game, featuring loads of colors, high-tech modifications, and unique legendary variants. It ...
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