Triassic: 237–227 Ma TRIASSIC JURASSIC CRETACEOUS 252 201 145 66 ESR:2/ 4 (estimated size reliability) Period Epoch:Late Triassic Stage:Late Carnian Years:237–227 Ma Details Status:valid Author:Casamiquela Year:1967 Distribution Area:South America Country:Argentina Region:La Rioja Formation:Ischi...
OrnithischiaOrnithoscelidaPhytodinosauriaJurassicTwo recent studies have independently recovered Pisanosaurus mertii – long thought to represent the oldest known member of Ornithischia – within Silesauridae. These finds are expanded upon here, as are the implications of this hypothesis. Based upon these...
a New Triassic Ornithischian Dinosaur (Pisanosaurus Mertii; Ornithopoda) From the Ischigualasto Formation, Argentinafound near them, within this complex and around its base, two layers of melaphyres that have produced metamorphism in the sediments that support them." Its th...
皮萨诺龙于1967年发现,其属名是由它的发现者——阿根廷古动物学家Rodolfo Casamiquela所亲自命名,意思是“皮萨诺的蜥蜴”,其下只有唯一的模式种:P. mertii。根据出土地层阿根廷伊斯基瓜拉斯托组(Ischigualasto Formation)的地质年代测算,它们生活的具体时间为距今2.28-2.16亿年前的晚三叠纪诺利阶,因此皮萨诺龙自然也就...
Pisanosaurus mertii was originally described on the basis of an incomplete skeleton from the early Late Triassic (Carnian) of northern Argentina. It is consistently regarded by most authors as a very basal ornithischian, the sister group of remaining members of the clade. The referral to ...
Rozadilla, SebastiánJournal of Systematic PalaeontologyAgnolin F.L. & Rozadilla S. (2017). Phylogenetic reassessment of Pisanosaurus mertii Casamiquela, 1967, a basal dinosauriform from the Late Triassic of Argentina. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 1-27....