Risk assessment for pirimiphos-methyl residues resulting from cross- contamination. EFSA Journal, 9-11, 2436-2483EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) , 2011 . Risk assessment for pirimiphos-methyl residues resulting from cross-contamination . EFSA Journal 2011; 9 ( 11 ): 2436 , 48 pp. doi:...
According to Directive 2007/52/EC, the uses of pirimiphos-methyl in Europe are restricted to post harvest treatment and structural treatment before storage rooms. Therefore EFSA concluded that there is no need to keep the MRLs for fruit and vegetables in the MRL legislation. In this regard, ...
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)EFSA JournalEFSA (European Food Safety Authority), 2009a. Reasoned Opinion of EFSA: Refined Risk Assessment Regarding Certain MRLs of Concern for the Active Substance Pirimiphos-methyl [1], pp. 1e36. http://dx.doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2009.294r. EFSA ...