Dead Men Tell No Tales (also known as Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Revenge of Salazar outside of the US) is the fifth installment in the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise, released on May 26, 2017, as the sequel to On Stranger Tid...
Preceded byFollowed by Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger TidesSource Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is a 2007 American fantasy comedy swashbuckler action film, and is the third film in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. The plot ...
There are bigger set pieces (the pirates’ escape from their cliff-side hanging jails, some excellent swordplay atop giant rolling wheels, etc), bigger effects (a wonderfully atmospheric realization of the deep sea terrorising Kraken) and a better villain (the truly revolting Davey Jones), all ...
Hector Barbossa was a legendary pirate of the Caribbean as well as the archenemy, nemesis and rival of Captain Jack Sparrow. A captain of treacherous morality, a vile pirate cursed then resurrected from the dead, and a master of his own fate and secret agreements, Barbossa was the ultimate ...
Pirates of the Caribbean is a sweeping action-adventure story set in an era when villainous pirates scavenged the Caribbean seas. This roller coaster tale teams a young man, Will Turner, with an unlikely ally in rogue pirate Jack Sparrow. Together, they must battle a band of the world's mo...
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is the third and last of the money spinning trilogy, or so they say. Everything has led to this, or so they say again and I kept my mind opened. The first of the Pirates series, The Curse of the Black Pearl was good. It was a movie ou...
Jones also commanded the Kraken, an ancient and horrible squid-like beast of the sea, which brought the captain of the Dutchman ever more souls into joining his crew. Those who wished to avoid death and final judgment would agree to serve Jones aboard his haunted vessel, eventually becoming ...
Jack Sparrow was a legendary pirate of the Seven Seas and the irreverent trickster of the Caribbean. A captain of equally dubious morality and sobriety, a master of self-promotion and self-interest, he fought a constant and losing battle with his own bes
As the crew prepares to battle Kraken, Jack looks compass before deciding whether or not to go back and help. Will and the rest of the crew have managed to put together a trap to help defend the ship and it is during that final battle against the Kraken that Elizabeth runs into the ...