King George : I've heard of you... and you know who *I* am. Jack Sparrow : Face is familiar. Have I... threatened you before? King George : [as Jack peruses the buffet between them] I have a report: the Spanish have located the Fountain of Youth. I will *not* have some...
PiratesoftheCaribbean-AtWorld'sEnd 加勒比海盗——世界的尽头加勒比海盗——世界的尽头上映时间:2007年5月25日25日上映时间:2007年全球票房:$9.6亿(单位美元)全球票房:$9.6亿单位美元)PiratesoftheCaribbean:OnStrangerTides(2011)加勒比海盗——惊涛怪浪2011)加勒比海盗——惊涛怪浪(2011)惊涛怪浪(Summary...
Pirates of the caribbean加勒比海盗 Filmsintroduction PiratesoftheCaribbeanisaseriesoffantasyadventurefilmsdirectedbyGoreVerbinskiandRobMarshall,writtenbyTedElliottandTerryRossioandproducedbyJerryBruckheimer.AllfourfilmsarebasedonaWaltDisneythemeparkrideofthesamename.ThesefourfilmsarefollowtheadventuresofCaptainJackSparrow...
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is the fourth installment in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series, released on May 20, 2011 as the sequel to At World's End and its predecessors. The plot used common elements from the novel written by Tim Powers. The film stars Johnny ...
幕后制作前三部的超越之作 《加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪》承袭观众对了前三部“加勒比海盗”系列影片的浓厚兴趣和热切关注,前三部分别为,2003年的《黑珍珠的诅咒》(The Curse of the Black Pearl)、2005年的《亡灵宝藏》(Dead Man's Chest)以及2007年的《世界尽头》(At World's End)。 “数字的确可观,”制片人杰...
乐高加勒比海盗:亡灵宝藏 LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean PC英文版下载。游戏符合乐高系列的一贯风格,除了重现原著中那些经典剧情、人物和场景外,各种幽默搞笑桥段也不会缺少。游戏包含数量众多的可控制角色以及超过20个关卡。 《乐高加勒比海盗》将会以乐高积木的形式重新演绎故事的情节、冒险和令人难忘的片段,乐高人偶和...
Oh, the Dauntless is the power in these waters, true enough, but there's no ship as can match the Interceptor for speed.Murtogg to Jack Sparrow The HMS Interceptor was a brig in the British Royal Navy, serving under King George II, most notably under the
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is a 2011 fantasy adventure comedy film and the fourth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Gore Verbinski, who had directed the three previous films, was replaced by Rob Marshall, while Jerry Br
Pirates of the Caribbean Encyclopedia is a comprehensive guide that anyone can edit, covering the classic Walt Disney ride, movie franchise, and more.
Lord John Carteret : [sarcastically] You *are* Jack Sparrow? Jack Sparrow : There should be a "Captain" in there somewhere. [he grimaces] King George : I've heard of you... and you know who *I* am. Jack Sparrow : Face is familiar. Have I... threatened you before?