Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is a 2011 fantasy adventure comedy film and the fourth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Gore Verbinski, who had directed the three previous films, was replaced by Rob Marshall, while Jerry Br
Disney’s designs to launch a sixth Pirates of the Caribbean movie into Hollywood’s high seas are unclear, to say the least. Previous reports suggested the Mouse House is planning to reboot the franchise with a female lead, but there have also been rumors that this project could be a spin...
Hector Barbossa was a legendary pirate of the Caribbean as well as the archenemy, nemesis and rival of Captain Jack Sparrow. A captain of treacherous morality, a vile pirate cursed then resurrected from the dead, and a master of his own fate and secret a
The production of the latest Pirates Of The Caribbean movie is currently on the lookout for busty ladies that are willing to portray wenches for the fifth instalment to the franchise. Dead Men Tell No Tales. casting agent, producer and directors are currently witling down the appropriate candidat...
6 easter eggs ★★★☆ (42 votes) Add something Easter egg:On Disk 3, "The Lost Disk," select "More Fly on the Set." Go up twice. You will hear the original radio advertisement of the Pirates of the Caribbean - the ride. Share...
Jack Sparrow was a legendary pirate of the Seven Seas and the irreverent trickster of the Caribbean. A captain of equally dubious morality and sobriety, a master of self-promotion and self-interest, he fought a constant and losing battle with his own bes
When Disney’s originalPirates of the Caribbeanwasreleased in 2003, the tale following a rowdy group of pirates across the seas was almost as much of an adventure behind the scenes as it was onscreen. Under the direction of GoreVerbinski(Pirates 1-3) and Rob Marshall (Pirates 4), the qu...
"Dead in the water" is, sadly, not the title ofMargot Robbie's upcomingPirates of the Caribbeanmovie — it's the status. TheBirds of PreyandBarbieactresshas been attached to a more female-focused filmin the fantasy-adventure franchise since 2020, but Robbie now says the pic is not moving...
Why would they search the Caribbean looking for 882 pieces of gold when they have no idea if they’ll be able to find a relative of Bootstrap Bill as well? Because that’s what they need, not just the coin, but the coin in the possession of Bootstrap Bill’s offspring. What are th...
James Van Der Beek's kids are stars in the making! After the actor's spectacular Pirates of the Caribbean-themed routine during this week's Dancing With the Stars, his three daughters, Olivia, 8, Annabel, 5, and Emilia, 3, and son Joshua, 7, were feeling inspired....