recorded-off-the-screen copies of Disney‟s Pirates of the Caribbean. Not great quality, but not awful either. And while it used to take forever to download a movie, anyone with a high-speed Internet connection can now have a full-length film in an hour or two. ...
screening that happen in this industry P eople go to those screenings with a camcorder, with a digital camcorder, sit in the back, turn the camcorder on ” Correspondent: “ And record it. ” This is one of those recorded-off-the-screen copies of Disney ’ s Pirates of the Caribbean....
This is one of those recorded-off-the-screen copies of Disney s Pirates of the Caribbean. Not great quality, but not awful either. And while it used to take forever to download a movie, anyone with a high-speed Internet connection can now have a full-length film in an hour or two. ...
intheUnitedStates?”Chernin:“Ithinkit‟sprobablyinthe hundredsofthousands,ifnotmillions.”Correspondent:“Andit‟sonlygoingtogrow.”Chernin: “It‟sonlygoingtogrow.Somebodycanputaperfectdigitalcopyupontheinternet.Aperfect digitalcopy,allright.Andwiththeclickofmouse,sendoutamillioncopiesallovertheworld,...