(could be old, I don't care, I just wanted some pre-rendered 3D CG to see) animations I've seen in their earlier "C&C" series and games such as "Guardians of Destiny" or "Blade Runner". Well, I was pleasantly surprised how many cinematics does this game contains (must've been ...
我信任你I trustedyou.如果你想要知道我们正做的一切,我给你看If youwannaknoweverything wereworking on,Ill show you.奇怪的是...The weirdthing was...…比尔绝不会对史蒂夫•钱伯斯吼叫正好相反...SteveJobswas theone guyBill wouldnever yellat.It wasthe opposite.史蒂夫命令比尔飞过来,然后对他大喊大叫...