Five Somali pirates convicted of attacking US Navy ship.(USA)The five Somali pirates are believed to be the first peopleconvicted of piracy in a US court in...Richey, Warren
Despite having lost the element of surprise, Sawkins continued his attack on the town and was killed by a musket-ball while at the head of his men. Thomas Pound Thomas Pound (also spelled Thomas Pounds and Thomas Ponnd; died 1703) was an English Royal Navy officer who turned pirate and...
news Pirates attack US research ship off Somalia Mark Schrope A US oceanography research ship has been attacked by pirates in the Gulf of Aden — leading its managers to rethink their plans for studying salinity flows in the region. Unknown, heavily armed assailants pursued the Maurice Ewing ...
However, before the Essex could even begin an attack, the Silent Mary makes an unexpected visit and crushes the Essex into pieces, with gunpowder burning the ship in flames. The Silent Mary then joins the Black Pearl in a fierce battle, having the crewmen of both ships battle against each...
The HMS Interceptor was a brig in the British Royal Navy, serving under King George II, most notably under the command of Captain, later Commodore, James Norrington. As a ship in the British fleet, along with the HMS Dauntless, the Interceptor was purpor
After the ship's captain radioed for help, a Swedish patrol aircraft spotted the pirates and the USS Farragut dispatched its own plane to monitor the situation until the Navy ship could arrive. The planes watched as the suspected pirates threw ladders and other equipment into the ocean, which...
This film is set in Jamaica during the mid-eighteenth century, when the island was controlled by the British. In this atmosphere of danger, the mastery of the seas is disputed by the Royal Navy and the ferocious buccaneers of the Caribbean. The young Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), a swords...
During the Beasts Pirates' attack on Zou, the Heart Pirates fought alongside the Mink Tribe.[10] Whole Cake Island SagaZou ArcLaw reunites with his crew on Zou.After Luffy's group arrived, the Heart Pirates got reacquainted with Luffy after he arrived at the Whale Forest. They were later...
One source, who could not clearly state the nationalities of the victims, noted the master of the attacked ship, its chief officer, second officer, second engineer, bosun, and cook were taken away by the gunmen. Nigerian officials are yet to comment on the pirate attack. Another source said...
Pirates Attack Cargo Ship off SomaliaAugust 20, 2021 (Photo: EU NAVFOR)On Friday, August 13, EU NAVFOR ATALANTA Joint Operation Centre received an alert according to which the Turkish-flagged cargo vessel Anatolia (IMO 9005869) was under attack by a skiff with four or five armed persons on...