The infection spreads in two main ways. In the first scenario, users who search for pirated or cracked games are redirected to malicious CAPTCHA pages. The second scenario uses phishing emails impersonating GitHub to tell users about made-up security risks in their projects. ...
Share on X (opens in a new window) Share on Reddit (opens in a new window) Share on Hacker News (opens in a new window) Share on Flipboard (opens in a new window) Over the last nine months, we've discussed the fate of the legacy server Nostalrius. The project was...
Digital piracy has been around for about as long as the internet has been a thing, being a super-easy way to obtain unauthorized copies of music, movies, TV shows, and games. Our own C Scott Brown recently wrote an opinion piece, outlining why digital piracy might be here to stay in ...
Facebook Twitter RedditSurprise, there is no PS3 games in the list. Getting hacked late in the lifecycle has its advantages I guess. Haha, oh Crytek. Yep, Crysis 2 is the most pirated PC game. Xenoblade got pirated a lot too, maybe Nintendo of America should have released the game in...
From everything I've ever seen, the biggest "pirates" tend to be younger people ... kids who don't even have a job yet, or who work in a near minimum wage job and simply can't afford to buy a lot of the games out there they have at least a passing interest i...
Of more interest perhaps at the present time is Burnbet Casino, which is still in operation.We've told you before about Burnbet, which uses games from 2WinPower and engages in all kinds of other disreputable practices as well, like the slow payment of winnings and making threats against ne...
GPD also replied to a few comments, which can be seen in the Reddit post. This is the one that caught my eye, basically confirming that GPD sail the high seas: (579 likes) Pirated games are always a grey area, it's fine you ...
In three years I must have spent well over 500 USD on apps and games from Apple's App Store -- but the peace-of-mind and security are well worth it -- as well as the support that goes to the developers so that they can improve and maintain their products. Good ...