Determine your piratin’ style and pick one of five different classes: Musketeer, Swashbuckler, Buccaneer, Privateer, and Witchdoctor. Each class comes with different strengths and weaknesses to learn and conquer. Recruit hundreds of companions along your journey to prepare for the hard battles ahea...
Players can roam between nations and pirate realms as a Buccaneer, Musketeer, Privateer, Swashbuckler or Witchdoctor aboard customizable ships with unique pirate flags. Companions with unique fighting styles and special abilities can be recruited, trained and improved as they increase in levels, and ...
without relying on op gear or op pack companions like Moo's Boots, Blood's Jacket or Armada Companions. The Royal Guards have insane agility and insane dodge, so you'll always get crit on while missing, so new strategies are certainly needed in Valencia part 2. Good...
Determine your piratin’ style and pick one of five different classes: Musketeer, Swashbuckler, Buccaneer, Privateer, and Witchdoctor. Each class comes with different strengths and weaknesses to learn and conquer. Recruit hundreds of companions along your journey to prepare for the hard battles ahea...