Totems: Ammit's Totem. A unique one for every class! Mount: Sokar's Krokosphinx Weapons Staff: Lunar Anubite Staff. 6 Range, Retribution, and Dispel Magic. 2H: Sacred Axe. Revive and Super Strike. Shield / Sword: Setesh's Armaments. Hold the Line and Riposte. ...
Each class has a way around the special powers Summons are basically the greatest thing here. It's better for a stygian chorus member to take an assassin or vicious charge than old scratch or yourself, then you can blast them away! BOMBS! Do I even need to mention Scratch makes the...
What kind of fish would you find in Pirate101? These fish puns are kraken us up! Smart Logan West has an interesting idea: Would you ride on a pirate101 class symbol mount? Anecorbie shares an idea for a new bundle, the Mermaid’s Grotto. Do you have any advice for training Old ...