Just use our USPS shipping calculator to determine the cheapest way to ship your package. You can buy and print the postage in 3 simple steps, whether you're shipping just one package or thousands. Step 1 Measure and Weight Measure your package's dimensions and weigh it. See Pirate Ship ...
Please also note that if you ever clear your web browser's local cache, or access Pirate Ship from another device, you will have to come back here and disable this setting again. If you'd like to permanently disable this sort of tracking, we suggest using a browser that supports theGloba...
“I love everything about Pirate Ship. Best prices hands down. Super simple process. Been using them over a year and have not had a single issue.” Jessica “I’ve been using Pirate Ship for several years now and it’s been amazing. If you’re using anything else you’re spending unn...
Web-based software so you can ship wherever, whenever Share your labels through a Private Share link Access secret shipping services likePriority Mail Cubic® Integrated shipment reports and receipts Track your packages from start to finish
Web-based software so you can ship wherever, whenever Share your labels through a Private Share link Access secret shipping services likePriority Mail Cubic® Integrated shipment reports and receipts Track your packages from start to finish
Web-based software so you can ship wherever, whenever Share your labels through a Private Share link Access secret shipping services likePriority Mail Cubic® Integrated shipment reports and receipts Track your packages from start to finish
Use the Zone Map above to get a customized chart for your location 👆 To get a rate quote, use ourUSPS shipping rate calculator: Get an Instant Shipping Rate Quote
To view ourdiscounted 2024 UPS shipping rates, use the rate calculator above. Create your FREE account No hidden costs • No credit card required Millions of shippers Pirate Ship Before Pirate Ship our direct-to-consumer shipping was a scattered, time consuming mess. Switching to Pirate Ship ...
2025 USPS and UPS ratesDiscounted UPS shipping ratesUSPS Commercial Pricing®UPS® Ground discountsPriority Mail Cubic®Simple Export Rate® Import and Ship Your Orders Shipping integrationsSpreadsheet & batch shipping USPS Shipping Tools USPS Rate CalculatorUSPS Zone Map Why Use Pirate Ship? The...
Honestly, I don't know where my business would be without Pirate Ship. I've literally saved thousands of dollars, countless hours, and many a headache using this service but the best part is their commitment to customer service. They're always friendly, funny, and absolutely dedicated to sol...