Some of the crew could be hard core pirates from a young age; some could be recently unemployed sailors, and others might be forced into the pirate crew against their will. The size of the crew might vary, based on the ship size, the success of their piracy, and how well they fight....
dozens of pirate crewmen rowed the ship . A galley under the power of many oars was much faster than the clumsy cargo ships that depended on wind power . A galley
Let’s Explore a Pirate Ship! Come discover the complex inner-workings of a pirate ship from the roaring raids on a Spanish galleon to the salvage mission of a sunken vessel. From the outer decks to the crew’s quarters this book reveals every part of pirate life. Beautiful and intricate...
A raised structure above the ship's deck, either at the bow (forecastle) or stern (sterncastle). Castles were used as places for armed men in a sea battle. The forecastle was the traditional quarters of the crew, and the sterncastle held cabins for officers. CAT O' NINE TAILS This whi...
Pirate Talk forCrew, Names for Pirates- Boatswain- Often pronouncedBosun, this crew member was in charge of the deck, whether it be the crew, equipment, or activity on the deck. Cockswain- Originally the Captain's attendant who would row him to and from the ship, later came to mean the...
The pirates usually changed the rigging or ship’s structure so that the boat would sail faster. Cargo spaces were converted into living or sleeping quarters, as pirate ships usually had more people (and less cargo) onboard than merchant vessels. ...
narrow Sloops and Schooners designed for speed optimally carried 50 to 150 crew plus arms/provisions. Iconic skull and crossbones banners announced pirates’ presence. They heavily utilized cannons, pistols, cutlasses, grappling hooks and rapiers during close quarters raids after disabling target ...
Swim to the front of the top deck, and you will find an opening leading to the lower decks. Swim through and hit prompts to move debris in the way. At the back of the ship, you will see a dormant Ocean Crawler holding the key to the captain’s quarters — take the key from...
She is a no nonsense woman who has surrounded herself with an interesting crew and brooks no arguments from them...I would be interested to see some of the other characters in the story, like Will and Hal, have their own stories. Not only would that allow us to have more of Kit but...
There are so many interesting legends about real pirates, like how Anne Bonny snuck aboard Calico Jack’s ship dressed as a man. The legend goes they spared her from a death sentence when the crew was captured because she was pregnant with Calico Jack’s child. ...