They have made all these updates on wizard101 but (in my opinion) pirate101 is way more fun than wizard101! Also, they made the new enemys way to overpowered, I mean, I like a challenge but this was so hard that it made me not even want to play the game anymore. sorry if I...
You just got to realize she does best as a support unit and not a hitter.This is the same for all companions considered second or third tier. Train them, promote them, learn their strengths and weaknesses, and when your favorites take a nap - then they'll be the...
import os def pick(obj): try: if obj.[-4:] == ".pyc": print(obj) except: return None def scan_path(ph): file_list = os.listdir(ph) for obj in file_list: if os.path.isfile(obj): pick(obj) elif os.path.isdir(obj): scan_path(obj) if __name__=='__main__': path =...