SAP PP创建PIR - 从简介,通用表,组织结构,与其他模块集成,主数据,物料清单,工作中心,路由,需求管理,创建PIR,物料需求计划,从简单而简单的步骤学习SAP PP MRP清单,长期计划,生产订单,生产订单更改,生产订单确认,取消生产订单,产能计划,产能调整,收货,库存概览,发货,发货冲销,精益生产,报告,物料凭证清单,多种材料的...
You have successfully created a new PIR in your SAP systemUse t-code MD62 to delete or change existing PIRRecommended Posts: What is SAP PP? SAP PP Training Tutorials for Beginners SAP BOM Tcode MRP Run process in SAP SAP PP Process Flow Backflushing in SAP PP SAP Factory Calendar SAP ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Planned Independant requirement is the requirement that does not depend on the customer requirement.The combination of PIR and customer requirement makes up the planning strategy.say we have a PIR of 10 pcs a sales order of 20 pcs then in make to stock situ...
我们系统是ECC哈,有些功能不适用S4H~ 最近计划的同事跟我讲感觉MD63的计划独立需求数量reduce有一点点问题,让我有点怀疑配置,就再次测试了一下,今天不想谈很复杂的情况,只想先把最简单的逻辑理一理,复杂情况等会附一个SAP NOTE大家可以去看看。 之前在我的SAP运维里面有讲过一篇40策略下,SO如何consume计划独立...
How do you create an independent demand in SAP? Use T-code MD61 or go to Logistics → Production → Production Planning → Demand Management→ Planned Independent Requirements → Create. The single material for which demand needs to be created. MRP area and Plant Code. Version as 00, which ...
sappirdoi:10.1007/978-3-540-72816-0_19148a biblical term for fifth stone in the Jewish High Priest Breastplate, it means sapphire or lapis lazuli. Engraved the name Issachar.Springer Berlin Heidelberg
至于具体的需求类型为什么会影响SO是否消耗PIR,那就要谈谈SAP中需求传递的话题了耶。 我们这里就大概说一下哈~ 决定是否消耗PIR的不是需求类型requirement type,而是需求类requirement class,需求类里才有控制参数,需求类会分配给需求类型。我们来看一下配置: ...
SAP中通过生产版本有效期控制物料生产入库分析测试 基于业务需求, 某自制半成品物料需要变更为外购。用户希望生产版本设为失效状态,己避免该物料今后再次用于生产。从本公司的应用原理上分析,生产入库是基于生产版本。笔者之间写过前期写为一篇《SAP中生产版本锁定的应用》,测试结果表明锁定生产版本后,生产入库就无法进行了...
(SCK CEN), Mol, Belgium In view of long-haul space exploration missions, the European Space Agency initiated the Micro- Ecological Life Support System Alternative (MELiSSA) project targeting the total recycling of organic waste produced by the astronauts into oxygen, water and food using a loop ...
TThhee rreesstt ooff tthhee ppaappeerr iiss oorrggaanniizzeedd aass ffoolllloowwss:: SSeeccttiioonn 22 ddeettaaiillss oouurr ttrraacckkiinngg mmeetthhooddoollooggyy,, iinncclluuddiinngg hhoowwttoobbuuilidldaannaacccecsessisbibiliiltiytymmapapfofroar sapsepceificicfihcohmoem, teh, ...