EKKN Account assignment in purchasing EKAN Vendor address purchasing EKPA Partner functions EIPO Item export / import data EINA Purchase info record (main data) EINE Purchase info record (organisational data) EIPA采购订单价格历史信息记录 EORD Source list EBAN Purchase requisition EBKN Purchase Requisitio...
Moreover, of the 373 significant genes found in at least one of the tests, 30% coded for hypothetical proteins (Supplemen- tary Table 1). No genes met the threshold criteria for differential expression in all three culture conditions tested, that is, space flight, RPM and ionizing radiation...
TThhee rreesstt ooff tthhee ppaappeerr iiss oorrggaanniizzeedd aass ffoolllloowwss:: SSeeccttiioonn 22 ddeettaaiillss oouurr ttrraacckkiinngg mmeetthhooddoollooggyy,, iinncclluuddiinngg hhoowwttoobbuuilidldaannaacccecsessisbibiliiltiytymmapapfofroar sapsepceificicfihcohmoem, teh, ...