PIR Post(-mortem) Incident Review PIR Practitioner-in-Residence (various organizations)PIR Perpetual Inventory Record PIR Philadelphia International Records (record label; est. 1971)PIR Phillips Investment Resources PIR Phoenix International Raceway PIR Periodic Inspection Report (electrical report;...
PIRPost Incident Review PIRProbabilistic Information Retrieval PIRPatient Information Reconciliation(medical workflow) PIRProtein Identification Resource PIRPriority Information Requirements PIRPacific Islands Regiment PIRPocono International Raceway PIRPublic Infrastructure Renewal(Canada) ...
to the extent applicable, will pay (or cause to be paid) all expenses incident to the performance of their obligations under this Underwriting Agreement, including (i) the preparation, printing and any filing of each Statutory Prospectus, the Prospectus, any electronic...
There was also another PIR, with the same initials and intent, but a slightly different focus – the post incident review, where we also asked “how we got here”, “how we responded once things went wrong” and “how bad was the impact”. Both these PIR’s were good in that we too...