The drug is equally effective in eliminating the common ascarids of cats and dogs at a dose of 100-250 mg/kg base administered orally as a salt [56,58]. Piperazine has also been found to possess very high activity against Ascaridia spp., but is ineffective against Heterakis spp. The ...
The maximum dose of piperazine adipate tolerated by white mice when intubated into the stomach was 6, 000 mg. per kg. body-weight. The anthehnintic, when injected intravenously at 50 mg. per kg., was shown (on rabbits, cats and dogs) to lower the blood pressure temporarily with a corr...
(involving the head and sometimes part of the body) were counted for 10 min., 30-40 min. after quipazine, where the effect was maximal. The number of head shakes in each dose group were expressed in percent of those induced in the control group, and ED50values were calculated by log-...
values ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 µg/mL in HeLa, HepG2, and MCF7 human cancer cell lines were determined using the MTT assay for (+)-gliocladicillin A (5) and (+)-gliocladicillin B (6), and tumor cell apoptosis was shown to be induced in a time- and dose-dependent manner....