// Hello 类中有一个的公共静态 hello 方法 class Hello{ public static String hello(){ return "hello" } } class World{ public static String world(){ return "world" } } println Hello.hello()+World.world() def helloWorld(){ return "hello world" } 上面一个文件名定义为Structure.groovy,在...
echo 'Hello World' // 执行 Scripted Pipeline (实际上就是直接执行并采用Groovy原生语法) script { def browsers = ['chrome', 'firefox'] for (int i = 0; i < browsers.size(); ++i) { echo "Testing the ${browsers[i]} browser" } } } } } } sh - 命令执行 描述: pipeline中获取shell...
pipeline { agent any parameters { string(name: 'user', defaultValue: 'John', descr...
2.3 几何阶段 The Geometry Stage 几何阶段主要负责大部分多边形操作和顶点操作。可以将这个阶段进一步划分成如下几个功能阶段: 模型视点变换Model & View Transform 顶点着色Vertex Shading 投影Projection 裁剪Clipping 屏幕映射Screen Mapping 如图2.3所示。 原书图2.3 几何阶段细分为的功能阶段管线 需要注意: 根据具体实现...
The tool can detect and discriminate the oil-stolen orifices of long distance pipelines, and realize the identification of pipelin... Mapping (IMAP) IP's high-precision pipeline trend mapping system (IMAP), pairing the IMU with ground coordinates. IMAP can provide accurate data ... ...
描述: 前面说过Declarative Pipeline是 Jenkins Pipeline 的一个相对较新的补充, 它在Pipeline子系统之上提出了一种更为简化和有意义的语法。 Declarative Pipeline 中的基本语句和表达式遵循与Groovy语法相同的规则 ,但有以下例外: ...
CMI - A new airborne and ground based survey and inspection technique for 3D mapping and integrity assessment of buried, unpiggable, challenging pipelines
Financial Planning:Understanding pipeline theory allows individuals and businesses to create better financial plans. By mapping out the various stages of their financial activities, they can anticipate cash flows, plan for expenses, and make strategic decisions to achieve their financial goals. ...
DataMapperMapping DatabricksNotebookActivity DatabricksSparkJarActivity DatabricksSparkPythonActivity Dataset DatasetCompression DatasetDebugResource DatasetFolder DatasetListResponse DatasetLocation DatasetReference DatasetResource DatasetResource.Definition DatasetResource.DefinitionStages DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.Blank ...
DataMapperMapping DatabricksNotebookActivity DatabricksSparkJarActivity DatabricksSparkPythonActivity Conjunto de dados DatasetCompression DatasetDebugResource DatasetFolder DatasetListResponse DatasetLocation DatasetReference DatasetResource DatasetResource.Definition DatasetResource.DefinitionStages DatasetResource.DefinitionSta...